Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini
My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective
We are wayfinders
whānau to thrive
What’s holding you or your whānau back from being healthy and living well? Do you have a health condition, injury or other reason?
Whānau Whanake is a community based social enterprise. For over a decade we have been supporting whānau to thrive. We encourage ways to increase participation in activities that are meaningful and support whānau wellbeing and health.
Making change - as an individual or as a whānau - can be challenging and there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. That’s where Whānau Whanake comes in; we are navigators, wayfinders and connectors, and our tūhono will walk beside you to discover your pathway to hauora and living well.
He hauora te taonga
Wellbeing is precious
Whānau Whanake are proud to be a whānau owned and operated social enterprise. All of our profits go into supporting the community we live and play in. Some of our services have a cost while some of our services are free because of the generosity of volunteers, interns, community partners and funders who support us to empower whānau to thrive.
Are you ready to
take the next step?
Our nans taught us, everyone has their own strengths and good news to share. Together we will build on whānau strength and walk beside you to grow and thrive. We will work at your pace to make healthy changes that are long lasting.
Our plans include all aspects of living well:
Taha Tinana - our physical health
Taha Whānau - connection - a sense of belonging
Taha Hinengaro - thoughts, feelings and emotions
Taha Wairua – a person’s spirit
Whenua - connection to land, sea and air
We have different ways to support you and look forward to meeting you soon to take that first step together.
Poipoia te kākano kia puawai
Nurture the seed and it will blossom